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Tunnels under the sphynx
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Video - Poleshift and  Galactic alignment explained

Simple explanation of 2012 and the Mayan's
Free Ebook by Alan Alford - darwinism is dead?

David Wilcock - How the sun affects dimensional change
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The Photon belt
Schumann Cavity resonance - precursor for Pole Shift ?

An unbelievable and very difficult perspective that will be hard to comprehend!

Have you ever wondered what your life would have been like if you had made the other choice many years ago? What would have occurred if let's say when you were graduating High School that instead of following the path of another into a field of employment, that you actually followed your heart and went the direction you really wanted to go but were afraid?

How many times have we all looked back and said, I wonder if? I used to think to myself that life was not fair. I would make comments like, well if I knew then what I know now I would have made the other choice, and it doesn't seem fair that I got to be stuck with a choice based on not having all the factual evidence laid out before me at that precise time!

Since it is difficult to understand the enigma we get ourselves in we end up hiding our true feelings with the age old quaint statements like, well I guess the road I took was the road I was supposed to take. In a way that lessens the pain of not making the decision we later believed would have been the correct one!

Or what about that investment opportunity that we passed on and it turned out to be a killer. Making whopping amounts of money for those that did take that path, but you sit there only saying, if I only had...

Or maybe those terrible decisions we make in life, you know the ones we are ashamed of and wished we could change if given half the opportunity? If only we would have made the other choice and then things would be totally different!

Again I have to contemplate on this subject and ask the over all powerful question, why does God allow us to make stupid decisions when it could effect everything? Doesn't God know that one decision could make or break us. Are we really left to being stuck with whatever it was we decided with no hope for change?

In most of the mindsets in this world, many believe we have only one life to live, so we had better make the best of it. Yet we are not all handed the same information nor are we all granted the same opportunity. Yet in direct contrast somehow we got to all come to the same quality of reality or else we are doomed. The logic in this conclusion is absolutely mystifying, yet what other conclusion can we make?

If our choices are the totality of our reality then we have all been handed a lousy trick that we call life, because based on the prior conclusion, it appears that each of our choices are set in stone and there is nothing we can do to change it. Yet what if the other choice would have contributed to making us a better human being? What if the choice we failed to make would have catapulted us into a greater reality. Instead the choice we did make constrained us and created a world that was not what we desired from the beginning!

I remember when my dad used to give sermons on marriage, one of the things he used to say was when the guy met the gal he would come across like the best thing since chocolate ice cream. He would make the girl think he was rich, usually borrowed money, make her think he had a great car, usually dad's car. And most of all make her think he was the nicest person alive, usually had a temper and would fly off the handle at almost anything!

Then the girl having to make the most important decision in her life finds out that her prince was in truth the prince of demons. All of a sudden her great expectations were shattered, and her dreams became nightmares until finally somewhere down the road it all had to end. However by then it seemed too late to ever recover from that mistake.

We see in that scenario that the girl was trapped, it was not totally her fault, she was looking for the right guy and based on the information she inquired of, he seemed to be what she was always looking for until you unwrap the package. You find that it is used, cracked, and unable to perform, lol. And it brings with it a whole new set of problems you never had before! I mean he said, I will give you the world if you marry me, but she did not realize that meant getting all the problems along with it!

Why is life such a beast at times? Why is it when we seek for a little happiness we get stuck with the whammy of whammies and end up having to pay a high price for that decision, which in part was not totally your fault?

And then we are told, well that's the breaks, and that is how life really is, you win some and you lose some and then you go to pay for the damages! Why does life all come down to that seemingly one fork in the road? And you either make the right choice or the wrong choice and then you are stuck with it?

And what is even sadder is what about those times where each fork leads in a direction you do not want to follow? But it appears you only have two choices?

Until we begin to comprehend that we are multi-dimensional beings we will for a very long time be stuck in abstract ideas with no real answers continuously caught in a loop! And yet when you come to be aware of what is really occurring then you begin to see the over all picture and are then able to cope with this life much better!

It is time that we begin to comprehend that what we experience in any dimension while living within a biological life form is only made aware to the individual presence at that moment! Using once again my familiar reckoning, the television, radio and computer. All three are different awareness levels, however the energy that enters within each unit is the exact same. Yet the units themselves do not know what the other units are thinking!

What does all this mean in the overall picture? It is to reveal to you that the choice you make at any given time and the results thereof are only limited by you being a single unit in a multi-dimensional reality!

When you come to that fork in the road and you as the unit experiencing this illusion makes the choice to take one road or the other, you then become aware only of the choice you cantered your attention on. Today we will call you the unit/computer that made the choice to go left at the fork in the road! Remember, the real you is not the limited consciousness you find yourself in at present. The real you is the consciousness emitter. The real you is the headquarters for decision central! The part of you that is here is a unit experiencing sets of circumstances that are created by choices you have been given the opportunity to function with! Or maybe it is sometimes better stated you have been given the role to perform and accept the reality of those choices by your decisions at different levels! Each circle that the centre of the middle circle points to is the lower manifestation of you, or the lower self. Remember the real you can project itself into many different separate units all at the same time. Each smaller circle also has the capability to make choices! The reason I describe this as circles because it is the closest to prove what my point is. The circle represents sectioned consciousness on different levels. The centre circle reveals the totality of you living in many dimensions by the lines or choices made. The centre is at all times locked together with all circles and all joining circles created by the thoughts of the joining cells! Each line represents a choice in the circle of your life's consciousness wherever it is at present. Only the centre circle thought is joined with all the other circles. It represents the energy vortex that keeps the matrix of your divine reality in tact! It is the energy going into all the other aspects of you!

All the other circles are just portions of the real you experiencing your choices at different levels! However the other circles although being part of the real you are not connected to one another! They are like the units I described as being the television, Radio and computer! In each of the units circles separated from the real you the design is the exact same. Within them are multiple lines reaching out. They represent choices made in your life. Each time a choice is made the line extends into another dimensional circle as an offshoot of your dimension! Now the question is. The decision or choice that you make is that the only choice you can make, or can you also make other choices. An example would be, when the fork in the road in your life presents you with the scenario of two choices. Is there only one possible choice?

The answer is emphatically no, in fact, unbeknownst to your limited consciousness, all choices that are brought into your thought consciousness are now being recreated in their own dimension! So if you come to that fork in the road and you make one choice to go left, another dimension is automatically opened for the other choice to also play out. However each time you the single unit make a choice, that is the only choice you are at present aware of three dimensionally. Yet the macrocosmic you along with part of the consciousness that took the other fork that made a secondary choice are also aware of the other possibility! Before I get to detailed into this I believe it is important for me to explain that all choices made whether from the macro or microcosmic YOU are only forming in the 4th dimension!  I am sure you have heard of the term alchemy, it is where a flat-based metal can be changed into a viable precious metal such as gold. However the truth about alchemy is the power of creation!  One may ask, how is it possible to change a metal into gold. Well three dimensionally it is impossible! This is where you need to understand how the entire operation works!

Anything that is changed in the 3-D world must first be changed in the 4th dimension! The fourth dimensional world is what is called the patterning world! This is where our thoughts are forming atomic particles that are coming together in unison according to the design we have envisioned. Let me clarify something here, when I say we are at all times creating new dimensions, this is accurate but not from the 3rd dimensional reality. Many times I use the term 3rd and 4th dimensions. Actually these are better stated to be densities or level of vibrations. The heavier the density the slower the vibrations.

Your thoughts begin to lay out the plan in the mind creation realm. It is like the chart above, first you need the plan or blue print. This is created in the 4th density. Then the mind slows down the atomic structure of light creating greater density thus bringing into form through the 2nd density the shape of the thought in matter form. Then as we continue to keep cantered on that thought it will become 3rd density form giving us the projection of our 4th density thoughts into the 3rd density realm!

All of our thoughts are created in the 4th density. However very few 4th density thoughts become 3rd density reality! They usually stay in the planning stage! However the 4th dimension is equipped naturally to open a door for another dimension using your thoughts! This is how multiple dimensions are created! They do not become 3rd density realities until we create them by using alchemy. However they are still 4th density realities and in time can become 3-D. The process begins with our higher self-injecting the perfect thought into our consciousness. Now we can then take that perfect thought and then place it into the mirror and reflect it off the mirror of the 4th density plane to become a 3rd density reality. Or we can misqualify that perfect thought and reflect the disqualified thought into our 4th density mirror. However because we disqualified the energy the pattern will not be what it was intended to be. This is what I call faulty choices.

Once you begin to comprehend how the creation power work then you can better understand how this process unfolds. Notice the chart below with your new 3-density creation! However realize it is all only an illusion What we have here is creation from the higher self projecting through the lower self, and then the lower self can either take the thought projections and then as co-creators can actually form into the lower world 3rd density what those projections are. Or we can misqualify the energy and create whatever we desire by free choice. However that usually means a big time screw up!

The purpose of the explanation is to reveal how we are constantly creating our own reality all the time. When we send our thoughts to the 4th density plane of awareness we are projecting them through the mirror of creation! Now the big question really is, how can we bring our thoughts into this lower 3rd density illusion? Once the thought has manifested into the 4th density realm. It has created it in the ethereal world! It is now like a hologram! We cannot see it because it is vibrating at a different rate than we are. Only those that are more evolved can see it! However anyone can bring those thoughts into reality!

One example would be is like designing a blue print for a new house. The fact that the design is now in blueprint form means the entire house has already been created in the 4th density as a hologram! Why because the thoughts have created it. Now think about this for a second! For the house to be created within the 4th density means a dimensional doorway opened up so that the new dimension will allow for your house to be there! Why because the 4th density has to keep organized as the reflecting mirror. It cannot have two different things in the same dimension, so it creates a duplicate dimension with the added change so that the other dimensions can still remain in tact until it has formed the new reality/illusion!

In your dimension there is no new house yet. But in the 4th density, the house now exists! However in the 4th density there is also a dimension that does not have your house. So in effect we now have two dimensions in the 4th density realm, one with your house the other not, all created nearly instantly by your thoughts! Now the process of creating is two fold, you can either create it according to the 3rd density laws or use 4th density laws. 3rd density laws would entail for you to build the house from scratch using your blueprint. 4th density laws can actually change instantly to bring into this reality what you think. But that is for the much more advanced alchemist. You do not need to worry about that right now!

So in truth what all this entails is YOU begin to construct in your dimension what you desire by your thoughts. Whatever you desire all you have to do is follow your thoughts. You see it is already created in the 4th density, now all you have to do is follow that thought into completion to manifest your new reality within your density. Now some may say, there are always roadblocks that seem to stop me from pursuing my desire. Those roadblocks my friends are dimensional barriers! It is the three dimensional world struggling against what you are creating! Because as soon as you bring your new reality into 3rd density fruition you will have entered a new dimension. WHY, because this was your personal creation, and by free will choice you have that right, however you cannot trample over other people's free will. Just like the 4th density keeps everything in order, so must also the 3rd density or else we would have past present and future existing openly all around us. And that my friends would cause great confusion!

Another thing to remember, once the thought has been visualized on the 4th density plane, you now have a power that comes with you for the ride. Now what does that mean? Have you ever read books about people who became wealthy and what their secrets were? Have you noticed how many times these same people would say as long as they kept cantered things just started to come to them like magic. This is what I am talking about. When the thought is manifested in the 4th density realm, it then follows you along the journey as you begin to bring into fruition that thought. If you stay cantered, all of a sudden the 4th density plane will begin to assist you in ways not conceived in the 3rd density realm! What many do not understand, the more your thoughts stay cantered on something you desire with feeling and emotion, the fourth density begins to construct that image into your realm, sometimes even without your assistance. This is the magic these people have all referred to. It is not magic at all, but I assure you it appears that way!

So when you come to that fork in the road where you are caught between two choices try to always make the best choice and make sure it is your desire. However whatever choice you make each thought was already created in holographic form in the 4th density if you gave it enough attention! Whatever choice you make being that your thoughts were cantered on two possibilities, our three dimensional world has to play out within your limited consciousness as being one choice. However your thoughts also allow you to enter the other choice. The only reason you are not aware of the action of the other choice is because your first choice entered a new dimension upon your following that path! It is what is called the construction path, the path you give your attention too and then begin to create it here. Plus you cantered your attention on that path and qualified it with greater attentiveness than you did the other path. So the unit which is you at the lower level seems to be playing at only one choice, however both choices could now be played out, but you will only be aware of one at your level at present! Now let's say you did not give the other choice much thought, then that choice most likely never played out in the 4th density. Now here is something that may shock you! Let's say 20 years down the road you then begin to wonder about the choice not taken. If you give it greater thought energy, at that moment you will have created its portion in the 4th density!

Now some may say, yea but what good is it if you do not know these things are happening at your level. It is still not your personal experience at the lower level! Yes that is correct but if you truly understand what I am saying, you have just witnessed the law of creation by thought energy. Just because you may not be aware of the road not taken it doesn't mean that you are stuck and can never change your life in the here and now even if you made wrong choices. You see this law works by law, it is not something that happens only when you are younger, when the important decisions of life need to be made. No not at all, these things occur all the time. You can change your life right now and enter the dimension of the world you create at this very moment along with the assistance of the higher self and the 4th density holographic thought processor!

The key is staying cantered on what you want and do not allow anything of the illusion around you to get in your way. Thus you will be creating the power to change your reality that literally shifts you into another dimension! For years there are those that have spoken of the dimensional shift! Yet few seem to understand how it can work! Some believe everyone will automatically shift into the peaceful dimension. The great universal shift is when the Christ consciousness links with your lower aspects and if they are in congruency with the higher aspect then you will enter that higher vibration or shift!

The lower units must be in spiritual line with the higher manifestation of you or else you will enter the world of your creation! This is what I have been talking about when I say we can create the world we want with our thoughts. No you cannot change others or change their world, but you can change your reality so much that you will literally enter a higher vibration that YOU WILL BE CONSCIOUS OF along with everyone around you. Are you getting the point? You must become consciously aware of the higher dimension or you will continue to only be aware of the lower dimension and all its frailties! When you are consciously aware of peace, joy and love, then that becomes your world linked with the higher self. But if all you are conscious of all the time is doom and gloom and the evils of this world, then you are following the wrong path! So for those that are not aware consciously they are unable to interact with those that are aware. What this implies is, they may be at the higher vibration as an echo in your world, which is their 4th density paths they did not take, yet their echo will know and understand the higher vibration, but they of their lower self are not experiencing it, they are still experiencing the lower dimension in a branch that has gone astray! You see as a unit of the real you, you are a microcosmic part of the macrocosmic you. However you have the same abilities of the macrocosmic you. That is why you are called co-heirs and co-creators. You have the same potential below as you do above!

If you the microcosmic aspect makes a wrong choice, it also made the other choice, because the you of the macrocosmic unit knows about both choices, simply they were your choices to make, but when you cantered yourself on the one choice that is the direction you took that aspect of your consciousness towards! In that very moment your consciousness spilt like two atoms splitting! One became your 3rd density illusion the other that you are now unaware of is your 4th density choice! But since the choice was given, it is playing itself out in the other higher realm along with others of that same frequency!

One aspect now lives in the dimension at one fork in the road and the other aspect lives in the dimension of the other! The single unit you became as an offshoot of the higher self is now aware of both awareness levels, but each aspect of you at that lower level that broke away is only aware of their own decision and enters their own reality they created by their choice! Yet all are still connected to the one unless... I will explain this below!

The mystery teaches that we all need to become one again with our higher self-eliminating all these branches of the tree that are sprouting wild- the wrong choice branches! One thing I want to add is most of the time we are given choices because of karmic law, it is set to see if we will finally make the correct choice or continue down the same path. The branch that does not adhere to what is correct must be cut off if it continues to make the wrong choices and pruned so the tree can grow properly! The branch is the leg or choices we make that keep going down the wrong path! Now some teach there is no wrong path all is just learning.  That in itself proves the lack of gnosis by anyone believing this! Of course there are wrong choices and wrong paths, if there wasn't we would not be here. It is our job though to learn from the wrong choices so we don't` make them again and again! If we do not consider any choice wrong, then we would never change!

Once you understand the mystery you will realize just because a branch has been cut off and eliminated which in truth is the second death for that branch, you, the real you is still in tact along with the right choice branches! You are still part of the whole. But the single aspect or unit that continued to follow the wrong path, well that branch and its continuing branches have to be severed, because it is becoming lost to the real you in the centre of all! It is sprouting wildly going nowhere without a clue as to how to change! That is why it is imperative to make changes now. We don't have to wait for anything or anyone else! We all have the power to make the correct decisions even if our entire life we have made wrong decisions.

The units that are cut off are those that make the wrong choices and fail to change from those choices. So if you go back and look at the diagrams above you can see that if a branch of the real you begins to sprout wildly into nowhere by wrong choices, then cutting off that branch will not destroy the real you, only that segment of you that went astray!  This is the real hope for all mankind! As in Adam all DIE, these are the branches going nowhere. But as in Christ ALL shall be made alive, this is the real you and me in the centre of the creating vortex/matrix, this is the lower microcosmic US making right choices and coming back in line with the HIGHER SELF, the macrocosmic US! If we continue to follow in that direction, then the HIGHER SELF joins the LOWER SELF and the two become one, which is biblically called the marriage of the lamb! Once we have completed this journey all the branches will come into one and there will be no more division. And also we will no longer need the world of good and evil, for we will have overcome that and entered back into our tree of life!

So all of our choices and decisions literally create wormhole vortexes that enter new dimensions instantly! If all of the sprouting branches are following the right way instead of the wrong way you will have created your own tree of life, the genealogical tree of your family of YOU! It would represent all choices and all lifetimes instantly as one huge tree, and all the wrong choices and branches that sprouted wildly would eventually all be severed off the tree or would begin to grow properly again, so the tree becomes perfect even as your father in heaven is perfect!

Remember next time a choice confronts you that even though you see only one choice, always remember you also make the other choice, and the conscious awareness level that you are at can change that choice and redirect it back to the proper scheme of things!


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