As Ra explains, there is an Octave of eight major densities. This is the same as if you played the white keys on the piano, the Diatonic scale. The Octave can also be broken down into a system of 13, which can be seen by playing the Chromatic scale of white and black keys together. There are many densities within densities. Each of these vibratory frequencies corresponds to a specific plane of existence - and/or a specific level of consciousness.

Another teaching of Ra is that all people have higher selves, a sixth-density future incarnative self that is guiding their life and guiding their physical incarnation from the future. The Higher Self basically says, ''Look, I know that you're going to evolve to become me. I'm looking back into my past at myself, but I also know that you have free will. I don't necessarily know all the choices that you will make on a day-by-day basis to eventually get to be me, where I am now. So I'm going to help you get to this point. I'm going to show you how to get to where I am, knowing that it's myself that's evolving.''

That is what dreams are.

The nature and purpose of dreams

Dreams are a very high level, distilled message from the Higher Self that comes through to the individual in the language of metaphor. It doesn't matter whether you understand your dreams with your conscious mind or not. It doesn't matter whether you remember them or not. Your dreams communicate with your fourth-dimensional or fourth-density astral self, which I believe is the same self that Edgar Cayce was using to do his medical readings.

It's your astral self that goes through the dream experience. So it's as if you have multiple levels of your being that are doing different things, things that you're not aware of. They're doing all sorts of work, and they're buzzing around - and yet it's all part of you, at the same time.

And this is a very mind-expanding concept because you realize how much more you are than your physical body. You realize how much more you're loved and how much more of yourself there is.

The Science of Ascension

The keystone to all of this that we're talking about - to everything I mentioned so far - is the idea that evolution must come on a mass scale. Ascension is not simply restricted to an idea like the Christians' saying there is going to be this ''rapture,'' where Jesus comes back and ushers in a thousand years of peace. It's a cosmic event, and has been prophesied in almost every major religious and spiritual tradition that has existed on the face of the Earth.

In my new career as research director for the ''Time of Global Shift'' tour, I provide references to back up these assertions. Let's talk about some of these now.

We'll start with Dr. Alexey Dmitriev from the Russian National Academy of Sciences. Dmitriev did work with tornadoes showing that in the presence of a tornado there are very high electromagnetic fields, visible light, and ball lightning. And there are all sorts of cases where the tornado causes the physical objects to fuse into each other - where matter actually becomes able to permeate other matter. Dmitriev cites cases where two burnt and charred wooden boards were fused together by a tornado, even though they would crumble at the slightest touch. There were pebbles that had gone through glass without breaking the glass; pieces of straw that went through a window and got stuck in the window without breaking it.

All this weird stuff is happening that shows that matter is able to disappear or become permeable to other matter in the presence of a strong enough field.

Then we look at the Bermuda Triangle. In a triangular area off the coast of Florida between Puerto Rico, Miami, and Bermuda, there have been planes lost as well as ships. It hasn't really been active since the 1970s, but certainly it was before then. And we're not just talking about marine vessels that disappear, and you can say, ''Okay, well, it sank.'' We're talking about airplanes that are on radar and have radio contact, and suddenly they're just gone.

In certain cases there have been people who disappear and then reappear. There was a case in the late 1969 where a National Airlines 727 passenger aircraft flying into Miami had lost all radar and radio contact for 10 minutes. Of course, the air traffic controller was highly freaked out by this. Ten minutes went by and communication came back on. The air traffic controller asked them where they had been, and they didn't know what he was talking about. They had no perception of anything's having happened. And when they landed, it was discovered that every single timepiece in the entire aircraft - everybody's watch, every chronometer, you name it - had lost 10 minutes! It was as if they basically just winked out of our existence for 10 minutes and then came back.

The more we investigate these vortex phenomena, the more we see that some strange things are happening.

Another vortex phenomenon case involved a group of young hippies who were camped out inside Stonehenge when the stones were struck by lightning. Witnesses saw them all disappear, leaving only the charred pegs of their tents. I believe that the higher energy vibration of the lightning activated the vortex that Stonehenge had been built to harness, which in turn caused this to happen, and I think that the creators of Stonehenge probably used these effects for travel through space and time.

So apparently Stonehenge and the Bermuda Triangle are places where, at certain times, the amount of gravitational and vibrational energy coming out of the Earth exceeds that going into the Earth. You could think of these areas as being akin to holes that have been popped in a plastic bag filled with water - for a certain amount of time, the water would flow out very quickly.

And you can see that in those two locations, there is a history of incidents suggesting that matter has been transmuted in the presence of such an energy vortex.

What we are leading to is that the entire energy of the Solar System is increasing, and that at some point, it will reach a level where it will transmute all life on the planet. That is when Ascension will be manifest.

Our Sun is not a nuclear furnace

Research is now suggesting that the Sun is like a hole that has popped in the energy field of the Galaxy, allowing energy to flow out in a given area; that's why we see it as bright white light.

They've already proven that there's no nuclear furnace going on in there. The amount of neutrinos that the Sun gives off is far too low for it to be the by-product of a nuclear reaction. There are missing neutrinos. They've known about this for 30 years, and the problem is not being solved - those missing neutrinos simply don't exist!

So the Sun is not a nuclear furnace. The Sun basically represents cosmic energy, the true energy of Creation.

What this means is that the Sun is like a pinhole in space where the energy is flowing out - just like the pinhole in the bag of water we spoke about earlier, or what you would see in the Bermuda Triangle.

And in higher levels of vibration, you see a lot more than just the pinhole of the Sun; you see all the vibrations that surround it. These appear as concentric spheres of energy, like ripples on a pond, which are connected by a spiralling coil of energy that expands on out to drive the orbits and rotations of the planets and moons. Everything meshes precisely together like one giant set of gears. This coil from the Sun has been studied and measured. NASA refers to it as the ''Parker Spiral.''

Right now, we can only detect these fields with instruments as a form of magnetic energy.

The Sun's coil, sacred geometry, and crop circles

There are many, many crop-circle formations that show these energy systems of sacred geometry and concentric, expanding spheres connected by spirals. So ''they'' are definitely trying to give us a message. The recent 900-foot long Milk Hill crop formation mirrors the Sun's expanding spiral energy patterns. It contains 409 different circles and was actually displayed on CNN Headline News, as its sheer size and grandeur attracted attention.

And what I am saying is that when the energy in the Bermuda Triangle rises, for example, matter changes. When the energy that the Sun is producing rises, the spiralling coil wave from the Sun actually expands, pushing the planets into spheres of energy that maintain a higher frequency of vibration. My research suggests that the actual physical sizes of the planets expand spontaneously when this happens - not hugely, but enough.

You can see this in hindsight by going to the idea that if you shrink the radius of the Earth to 55 or 60 percent of its current size, all the continents fit together like a jig-saw puzzle; there's no left-over space. That's called Global Expansion Tectonics.

Planetary expansion and the Ascension process

So as the planet gets farther away from the Sun, it expands on this spiral of energy that the Sun is pumping out at a very slow speed, and it gradually inches farther and farther away. That's why the Ancients said that Earth's year used to be exactly 360 days long, and that they only begrudgingly added the last five and a quarter days after the fall of Atlantis. Five days is just a tiny bump compared to what can happen.

So the farther away you get from the Sun, the more you break into higher levels of vibration represented by a bigger sphere. As the Earth punches into a higher level of energy based on its position to the Sun, it expands in size, because as it moves into that higher energy, the energy within the core actually expands.

What also happens is that this energy ''zaps'' all the creatures that are on the Earth, because the increase in the wavelength of the planetary spiral is accompanied by a spontaneous burst of energy from the Sun - a burst that has qualities of both radiation and intelligence. The ancient Hindus referred to this burst as the ''Somvarta fire at the end of an Age.''

So what has happened in the past, at about 50-million-year intervals, is that all the life that had been on the Earth spontaneously dies. And then, all of a sudden, this higher order of creature shows up. The geologists call this ''punctuated equilibrium.''

A very recent study published by Dr. Bruce Runnegar and other UCLA astrobiologists supports the theory I am discussing. It's been all over the mainstream news since the end of June. The researchers looked at the planetary orbits and ran them back through time with computer simulations that were very precise. To their surprise, they discovered that 65 million years ago, at the time of the most recent mass extinction (of the dinosaurs), there was what they referred to as a ''chaotic change in the resonant frequencies of the Solar System.'' This chaotic change suddenly jostled all the orbits of the inner planets.

While we're here, we should add that all geologists know that the continents broke apart at this time, having once been a single landmass. We also know that the worldwide sea levels suddenly decreased at that time. This was obviously the Earth's sudden increase in size. The hardened crust of the land broke apart, and all the seas drained off into the new cracks, lowering their worldwide levels.

And remember that the geologist's have discovered that every time you have a mass extinction, you also have a mass speciation - that is, new species arise. That's another aspect of what happens when this energy ''zaps'' us, causing the planets and their orbits to expand.

For example, there is no ''missing link'' between Neanderthal man and Cro-Magnon (modern man) because what happened was that Neanderthal got ''zapped'' and spontaneously evolved. They grew much larger brains and lost the clumsiness of their bodies.

The Galaxy and Harmonic Resonance

We know that the Sun is actively pumping out spiralling energy waves that drive the planets and moons in their respective orbits. Both Bode's Law and the new Stoneking Resonance theories show that the planets are spaced out in the natural Diatonic musical proportions relative to each other. The very first extra-solar planetary system that we discovered, which was around pulsar B1257+12, also shows these same proportions. The proportional phenomenon supports the idea that every star is pumping out energy waves that create similar planetary systems, as this kind of resonance obviously could not be caused by random groupings of gas and dust.

Then, just like the principles of a hologram or a fractal, within the larger waves from the Sun are subtler, smaller waves. And these are also based on the same musical principles. They all branch out, forming waves upon waves and getting smaller and smaller.

The Galaxy is ''tuned'' to form DNA

In the optimal planetary system, where there are no major cataclysms or interruptions, there is a specific distance from the Sun where the tiniest spiralling waves will gather a planet's natural materials together to form the DNA molecules of life. The DNA is the wave, and the wave is the DNA.

That DNA is formed in the process of planetary evolution may sound ridiculous, but it can effectively be proven by something known as the DNA Phantom effect. Dr. Vladimir Poponin put DNA in a tube and shone a laser through it, and to his surprise he realized that it actually captured the light and caused it to spiral through the helix, as if it were a crystal. Even more amazingly, when Dr. Poponin removed the DNA, the light continued spiralling on its own!

For light to form a DNA helix on its own should of course be impossible - unless the light itself had become harmonically tuned to some naturally existing frequency in the energy of space around it. To me, this says that the spiralling light energy of DNA was there first, and the physical molecules simply formed around the spiralling energy once the planet was at the proper frequency position. The Galaxy is ''tuned'' to form human DNA in planetary systems wherever it gets the chance.

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Our origin and evolution

Many sources, including Ra , Edgar Cayce, and others, say that the Oneness essentially got bored or lonely. It needed to do something. It needed to create. It wasn't feeling complete just by having this unified consciousness all the time.

So it conceptualized the idea of breaking Itself up into all these parts, knowing that the parts would be able to evolve by their own free will, making their own decisions. Things would happen that the Oneness was not yet able to understand or comprehend. The parts would have essentially their own creative ability. They would be Co-Creators.

The Great Plan was that at the end, after this entire cycle of universal evolution was complete, all of the parts that had evolved on their own would independently recognize their God Consciousness, renounce separation, embrace unity, and return to the totality of Oneness. The One Creator from that very fact would be highly enhanced, because all of this wonderful creative stuff had transpired in that transition from ''One'' to ''many'' and back to ''One.''

So God is evolving, and not some static Being that just sits there and waits for everybody to catch up. God is experiencing our evolution with us.
 I received this article by E mail from a person reading the site- its by David Wilcock and , whilst speculative, does seem to make a lot of sense in our current times

Source  -
The Double Helix DNA
Darwin's theories are being disproved

The theory of the Evolution of Species is being disproved because the DNA molecule is just too complicated to have arisen by ''natural mutations.'' Dr. Crick, one of the original discoverers of the DNA molecule, later proved mathematically that it is absolutely impossible for evolution to have ever even begun to produce DNA in the short amount of history that we have as a planet.

We are ''moving on up'' energetically

So now, we are moving into a new position. Microbiology experts tell us that 97 percent of our DNA is apparently un-used, but I have been told that more and more of the chain is ''unzipping'' for those who are able to handle the new fourth-density energy structure. These people may not physically look any different, except perhaps more attractive in subtle ways, but internally they will develop greater depths of emotion, perception, intuition, and sensitivity.

Some of the younger people will actually develop telekinesis or the ability to ''see dead people.'' Many others often find that their bodies will no longer tolerate foods of lower vibration, and they are impelled to eat diets high in fresh organic fruits and vegetables.

So as you drift farther away from your parent star, your planet enters into different vibrational energies and will support life in higher densities
David Wilcock