
Hopi prophecies
Nibiru/Planet X
Mayans and 2012
Ascension (the shift)
The Poleshift
The Next Ice Age ?
Earth Change News
Is a Poleshift imminent ?
3600 year disaster cycle?
Have the prophecies
been hijacked ?

Tunnels under the sphynx
Velikovsky - worlds in

Video - Poleshift and  Galactic alignment explained
Gaia speaks - channeling by Pepper Lewis
Q: Are there more beings/entities being channeled today than ever before or does it just seem so to me? Is a council of beings better or more advanced than one entity? If not, why do they call themselves such? Why do some entities offer information through some channels but not through others? And why does the same entity sound different depending upon who channels them? Lastly, I am considering contacting a channeler for a session, is it better to ask for a reading or a healing and should I prefer information or guidance?
A: Well, well . . . what are we to make of so many questions? What a convoluted mess this business of channeling has become, or so it would seem. Let us be clear, simple and direct in detangling the strands of confusion you have dressed yourself in today and see if we cannot put matters to rest. Your questions are valid, and because you have filled me with humor I am rapt to engender a fulfilling response!

Dimensional teachers, beings, entities, energies, masters, councils, etc. in service to humanity at this time number approach the one-hundred-billion mark. If every human upon the earth at this time had access to only one guide they would already number over six-billion, because there are at least that many humans upon the surface of the earth today. If everyone had access to more than one guide or angel, for instance, the number would quickly double to over twelve billion. By recognizing that access to the infinite realms is truly infinite, one hundred billion becomes a fairly legitimate number, wouldn't you agree?

this more or less than before? It depends. More or less than before what or when? What gauge are we to use? The present New Age arguably emerged in the latter half of nineteenth century Europe, established a presence within Northern America in the early twentieth century where it took root and continued to flourish, establishing itself as a movement, a philosophy of life, and even a religion by some accounts. Doubtless, the numbers of those of who believe in life-everlasting and the power of creative thought as the ordination of the soul has continued to soar. That being the case, are there more entities present to invite channelers to step forward, or are there more channelers who are open and willing to host teachers and guides?
I would postulate the following, leaving the rest to your own discernment: Long held attitudes and beliefs regarding mediumship and the ability of unique and 'chosen' individuals to enter and remain in trance-like states, both elevated and mystified the craft and those who were attracted to it. Recent decades have opened minds, lifted veils and allowed old beliefs to dissolve and resolve structural patterns. Furthermore, the descent of organized religions that have been unable or unwilling to empower their followers have contributed to the ascent of the seeker in discovering the divine within himself or herself. The turn of the latest century marker [2000] also signaled duality entering triplicity, or the three-fold unity of the knower knowing that which can be known. In other words, just as the last millennium was empowered to maintain the mysterious and the secret, this millennium will be remembered as one that disgorged the same.
While all spiritual teachers do not participate in councils, most are plural/multi-dimensional forms of energy and it would be rare for them to relate to other energies as singular or individual life forms. Humanity's awareness is shifting almost daily, yet I suggest as an example, that while the presence of one UFO would intrigue humanity and the presence of two or three amaze it and make it newsworthy, a fleet of unidentified craft would frighten it beyond measure. Likewise, knowledge of the full extent of a multi-dimensional teacher would render many teachings ineffable, because the student might suffer under the oppressive flag of insignificance and unworthiness. That is why the emphasis must always be placed upon the teaching rather than the teacher - any and all instances where this is not the case should be placed under the watchful eye of scrutiny and reviewed often!
Councils are representative and advisory disciplines that express tenets, principles, theories and beliefs associated with a body of knowledge. Rather than libraries where the learner must ascend the steps of the assembly, councils are akin to mobile libraries that transcend dimension through consciousness, entering the thought process where and when the doctrine the council espouses can be readily received and shared. That is why, for instance, there may be many more channels (open sources) of councils than of other entities or beings. Who belongs to the councils and how many members do they have? That is difficult to answer because their number is measured in participatory frequencies rather than by count; even physical human beings may serve as council participants at different levels of consciousness. Councils are neither better nor more advanced than other beings; they are arranged by interest and subject and not ranked by God per se.

Q: Are there more beings/entities being channeled today than ever before or does it just seem so to me? Is a council of beings better or more advanced than one entity? If not, why do they call themselves such? Why do some entities offer information through some channels but not through others? And why does the same entity sound different depending upon who channels them? Lastly, I am considering contacting a channeler for a session, is it better to ask for a reading or a healing and should I prefer information or guidance?
A: Well, well . . . what are we to make of so many questions? What a convoluted mess this business of channeling has become, or so it would seem. Let us be clear, simple and direct in detangling the strands of confusion you have dressed yourself in today and see if we cannot put matters to rest. Your questions are valid, and because you have filled me with humor I am rapt to engender a fulfilling response!

Dimensional teachers, beings, entities, energies, masters, councils, etc. in service to humanity at this time number approach the one-hundred-billion mark. If every human upon the earth at this time had access to only one guide they would already number over six-billion, because there are at least that many humans upon the surface of the earth today. If everyone had access to more than one guide or angel, for instance, the number would quickly double to over twelve billion. By recognizing that access to the infinite realms is truly infinite, one hundred billion becomes a fairly legitimate number, wouldn't you agree?

Entities and teachers choose their physical companions and vice-versa. Some relationships are as established as the universe itself and are reciprocal in nature; the role of student/initiate (chela) and master teacher reversing itself through ages that span approximately 26,000 years. These relationships become almost seamless in their ability to convey thought through the symbolic, which then becomes experience. As we have already said, an entity as a teacher is not more or less advanced than a council, but the teaching can take on a mentor-like quality in contrast to the vast resource that is a council. These are suggestive qualities by way of our dialogue and are not indicative of all relationships - this must be clearly understood.
The relationship between a channel and his spiritual teacher is as interesting and diverse as life itself and no two are alike. There are guidelines that must be adhered to, which are designed to expand horizons of thought, unleash human potential and dispel illusion. It sounds like mouthful, but basically means that a channel must learn when to speak as his or herself, when to speak the words as Spirit intends them, and when to be silent. Spirit is purposeful in its words and does not chatter for the sake of conversation as humans often do. Beginning channelers are often tempted to fill in the blanks as it were, when Spirit would otherwise call for a moment's contemplations. A channel is a conductor of energy, not words, and this important point must remain at the forefront of all that is offered or sustained.

Spirit Teachers speak through those that are most compatible with their own energies. The process of channeling can be physically and mentally taxing, especially when the gift is used over many years. Please note however, that it is not the responsibility of the Spirit Guide or entity to uphold or maintain the health of the channeler. It is the responsibility of every individual to realize his or her highest potential, and this includes the care of the temple house that serves as the vehicle for Spirit. Those who overdo or ignore the needs of the physical vehicle are subject to consequences that range from physical fatigue to mental distress.
Individual channelers are as unique as the Spirit Teachers they channel; therefore the messages they bring forth will be as well. That being said, some channels are clearer than others. This has less to do with intention as much as with layers and filters that produce less than desired results. Over a period of time, and with experience and trust, many of these filters dissolve, allowing a more complete and uninterrupted communication between physical and non-physical realms. Sometimes a Spirit Teacher will form a bond or a contract with their physical counterpart that is lifetime(s) old. Other Teachers have been known to speak through as many channels as are willing to be in Spirit's employ; as long as the messages are both loving and compassionate they see no reason for differentiation. This is especially true of the angelic kingdom.
Please remember that pure Spirit speaks only one language, which is Universal Love. Universal Love is a dimensional array of energy that can be received and perceived and differently by almost every individual. That is one of the reasons there are so many teachers and so many channels just now. This will not always be the case, and in fact their numbers will diminish substantially over the next two decades. Many simply have a need to know that they can channel, and that the messages they receive are indeed real; there is no specific mandate that calls for a spiritually inclined being to become a channel.
In considering a session with a channel, first ask yourself -- your Higher Self, the question or concern that is most immediate and pressing. Listen for an answer. Is it there? Sometimes the answer is there, but it is not the one you were expecting. Sometimes the answer is simply, 'wait, wait'. This is one of the hardest answers for humanity to accept. Remember that 'wait' does not mean 'yes' and it does not mean 'no' and it does not mean 'maybe'. It means let Spirit work with you and through you a little longer.
Next, ask for open-ended resolutions, which are the equivalent of open-minded thoughts. Resolutions are different than conclusions; they lead to transformations and beginnings rather than endings. Here is a clue: Spirit is eternal and infinite and so are you. Spirit can more easily assist you in bringing about the next beginning than an end to a problem, do you see? This is fifth-dimensional logic and is more cogent than the linear logic employed by the third-dimension. For example, rather than asking for more money or to finally be free of debt, ask to have sufficient resources available to you in all of your environments and endeavors. The difference many surprise you! The universe is abundant and plentiful in its resources, but it is not excessive. Understanding this principal will assist Spirit in assisting you.
Questions, issues and concerns that seem unsolvable at present can certainly be presented to Spirit through the gift of channeling. Spirit is compassionate and charitable, and assisting humanity in bringing light or clarity to a situation is very enjoyable. Remember to be as present as possible when seeking assistance from Spirit through a channel. Healing and Guidance can be one and the same when appropriately received. Channeled guidance can relieve and release the conflict within you that is blocking the flow of your own natural wisdom. This can be very healing. Seek clarity where obscurity now dwells. Be prepared to put into practice the guidance that you receive, otherwise it will diminish in potency and fade into the background of your experience. Do not denigrate yourself by unloading what you think are your issues on Spirit. Be willing to dispose of your waste in spiritually as well as environmentally appropriate ways. Look for similarities between you and Spirit in small and large matters alike. Be willing to grow and to change in other areas of life beyond the one(s) you believe are your challenges. Often, this will lead to the greatest transformation. Lastly, speak softly and you will hear more. You will find that the greatest truths are often hiding behind logic and reason.
©2007 Pepper Lewis  <http://www.thepeacefulplanet.com/>and The Peaceful Planet. All of the information presented is for your reading and enjoyment. It can be shared in whole or in part with others who may find it of value as long as it is for personal use. In so doing, we ask that you always include the copyright notice located at the bottom of each document. This ensures our ability to make this information available to those who do not have access to the Internet. All other reprints including electronic transmissions designed for commercial use must receive permission from the author. Publications and websites interested in carrying this information as monthly columns or special features are encouraged to do so. If the material must be shortened in length, please clearly state that it is an edited version and refer the readers to the original full-length version.