Is there a common link between all of these?  There are a wide range of topics here.  Many people try and find a link between just a few of them.  Could each have some relevance to each other.  After all, if nothing else, they all have 2 things in common:  The Earth and Humanity.
Unfortunately religion has been used to control people for hundreds of years.  To that end, the texts and references to past events were altered to better suit the people that wanted control en masse.
After so much meddling, it is beyond me why so many people still believe blindly in something so unfounded.  The texts are no longer how they were meant to be.  Their real meaning, even more blurred.
Of course, people need something to believe in.  It's in our nature, and it's what keeps us going.  But why not believe in the greater good?  Why not believe in your fellow men and women and children?  Believe in yourself.
For me, and many others, religion has been the reason for innumerable wars.  The number of deaths in the name of 'religion' must enter into the billions.  How can people support such hypocrisy?
An Alternative View on Religion
Have you ever thought that religion could be more of a historical record that has been warped over time?  A memory passed down through human conscious that along the way has grown and split into multiple religions?  Muslim's and Christians fought and fight in the name of their religion and their god.  I've always found this ridiculous - their beliefs would appear to be one and the same.  Religion is almost completely blind.  "Almost", because it carries with it stories that were probably based on fact somewhere in distant history.
To base teachings on 'morals' would be better than pushing children into religion, surely?  So, teach them to do right to each other?  Learn to forgive one another?  (But at the same time instil a sense of punishment to refrain from turning everyone into do-gooders that try to save those that would do others harm.)
If everyone lived by one principal - that they could do anything they liked as long as it did no one else any harm - would that not solve every problem ever encountered?  Its idealistic I know, but a good foundation.  Of course "doing harm" can be expanded significantly to include physical harm as well as mental harm and indirect harm (through an action that leads indirectly to someone being hurt).
Ancient Races, Ancient Astronauts, Destroyed Civilisations
If we consider that the Watchers or 'Elohim' (mentioned in various guises in many religions) were perhaps an ancient and almost forgotten race (possibly of giants) that died or were wiped out, then the figure of god was more likely then a leader of his race.  Whether this ancient race was terrestrial or extra-terrestrial doesn't matter.  Unless of course, you want to consider the ideas that Mars may have once been inhabited and whether this was once the cradle of humanity - Eden (one of many names) maybe.  Atlantis possibly?
Extra-terrestrial or not, the ideas that advanced ancient races that we are largely unaware of once lived on Earth is still big.
Someone did suggest this possibility and made a link between religion, the story of Atlantis and its destruction, to referring to the destruction of Mars.  There are ancient artefacts and images that exist that show 'astronaut-like' features on human-looking models.  Could we have not been visited by such advanced races that came here from elsewhere?  Mars maybe before it was destroyed?  Maybe further away?
Humanity's Many Destructions
Humanity and other 'older' races might have been wiped out many times throughout the life of the planet, losing all knowledge of their existence - although we 'feel' they may once have existed.  It sounds crazy to suggest something can be felt, but anything is possible.
Atlantis for example sparks enormous interest and sparks the imagination.  Surely 'just' a story couldn't do this?
First, entertain the idea that Atlantis (or a similarly technologically advanced civilisation) was located on Antarctic continent.  Then consider that pole shift theorem is a possibility which moved the continent to its current pole position.  After all, religions developed from such changes did they not?  Or did they develop from other actual events even further back in history?
Even if such a technologically advanced civilisation did exist elsewhere in the world and not on the Antarctic continent - to the west of Africa, past the Gibraltar Straits, then with all of the changes in the Earth, its quite feasible a series of earthquakes and a large tsunami wiped out the island?
Humanity might have been destroyed a few times as the Mayan/Olmecs suggest (about various epochs of humanity that last around 4/5000 years?).  We're coming to the end of the fifth epoch on the winter solstice in December, 2012.  It's said that this date represents a certain alignment of the stars, marking the date, and also a certain angle of the Earths poles alignment.  At this point, its expected that the poles will shift.
My Interest (The author of this article not Crawford2000)
I've been interested in the topics listed earlier and forgotten civilisations for some time.  It seems that the devastating events that wiped out these races, memories of which are carried hidden within religion and other stories, may have really happened before and will one day happen again.
I have a passing interest in the relationships between different religions.  I'm not religious and am never likely to be, but my interest isn't in believing what's written at face value.  My belief is that religion carries with it information passed down from one generation to the next, recording past events.
If you look, it does appear that most religions stemmed from a common source.  And when you read into it, it appears that this common source was physical - not spiritual as religion would have us believe - and that it was somehow wiped out.

Historical Records
There are many historical records written into religion that seem to suggest the events occurred in the recent past.  Unfortunately religious believers rely too heavily on their faith and take it at face value.  It's a shame they don't look at the bigger picture and try to find the true root of their beliefs, which would prove far more revealing.
After all how many Jews and Christians link their faith as originating from Zoroastrism and the Magi priests of Persia?
Wasn't Christianity and its religious texts tampered with significantly (with certain parts hidden away too) to hide truths from its followers so the leaders could control them with greater ease and overruling with fear?
Aren't people following false religions?
Isn't the book of Enoch a truer source - a more 'original' version containing the facts, rather than the fiction?
Does this not explain things in a different way to those which are circulating at the moment?
Destructive Mechanisms
Which is the most likely mechanism to occur or will it just be the luck of the draw?
It seems human civilisation was nearly wiped out a few times in history.  It appears that there are 4 likely candidates for a major upheaval and revision of the way life exists on earth.  There could be more than these mentioned here.
If we're to believe them, then according to many scientists and scholars seen on many-a-documentary it would also 'sound' like we are overdue for a significant event in each of these categories above.  Each would have slightly different results - but they would all assuredly be unpleasant.
What do you think?
Each mechanism has happened in the past, and will one day happen again, hopefully not within our lifetimes.
Depending on the size of event, the eruption of a super-volcano and a meteor impact are both events that I'd rather not even begin to consider.  They're almost incomprehensible in terms of loss of life and the struggle to survive that would await those that lived through the initial event.
(A fifth destructive mechanism could also be disease such as virus and bacterial infections and flu)
A Rise in Interest, An Awakening of Minds
It does seem that the number of people interested in these topics is on the rise - as though the human subconscious is beginning to wake up to the idea that something is beginning to happen.  You only have to look at the tsunami that happened at the end of 2004 and the increasing number of earthquakes worldwide to see something is happening.  Of course, similar events have happened within recent years, but combined with the other 'strange' climatic and geological changes that can be seen around the world it makes this time different.
Yellowstone has been swelling for a while.  There is talk of the gulf stream cutting off (and since writing this, it has been measured much weaker) creating an ice age in the northern hemisphere if the current increasing temperature trends and global warming continues.  (In fact since writing this, the changes have started to accelerate in change!)
Are these likely to be indicators of a possible pole are shift?  And could this pole shift and related earthquakes lead to a super volcano eruption?  At the same time is it possible that the gulf stream shuts down?  Could they all happen independently in short space of time?  I don't know.
If you read "The Process of Climate Change" above and research a little on the internet, then you might think yes, they could happen.
Part of understanding is personal belief.  If you don't believe something is at least even possible, then it would be hard to understand.  Maybe what I'm trying to suggest, is that with an open mind, anything is possible.
Global Events Forged Religion
Hence is it possible that past global environmental events have forged religion and turned it into what we see today?
The following is a suggested chain of events:
  There are 4 major candidates for several and severe earth changes
(* Whether they be the ancient Egyptians, Sumerians, Babylonians, Mayans, Olmecs, Christians, Jewish, Muslim and all of the others that are too many to name?  All based on the same underlying commonality or link and teachings?)

Doom and Gloom or Just a Natural Evolution?
On a final note people must survive these events and I will be surprised (but not disappointed) if we didn't witness one of them in our lifetimes.
I'm very open to other ideas and views and welcome any comments…

Prophecy pages
Hopi prophecies

Entering the 4th dimension?
Nibiru / Planet X
Earth Change News
Pole Shift
Ice Age due?
Contact Crawford2000

Crawford2000 is not the author of this article - If you wish to contact him his Email address is at the bottom of this page
The Rise and Fall of Civilisations